Tuesday, November 07, 2023


 Once upon a time there was disappointment. This of course came from illusion and expectation. High hopes on what was not meant to be. Unfortunately my mind was only made aware of the crumbling down of these dreams a bit too late. 

I guess it is never to late to be aware, for the soul as no concept of time, as it lives in the absolute infinite. Only the ego is concerned about the relative. Perhaps all my sorrows were nothing more than a figment of my experience here. 

The most annoying part is being overwhelmed by this pain body that exists only in the ego, and tries to make sense of the time and space events that unfold in the holodeck called life. Much like Shakespeare

"Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve;
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep"

 This is all insubstantial indeed. Life is but a blip in the event horizon of experiences the soul must endure. The ego being the way that the soul have to experience the reality as it is presented before its senses, grabs on to it with the pains and sufferings that are so keen of a child who does not want to release the comfort of the womb. And through that pain we create expectation of what things should be.

All my loves and woes are a manifestation of a desire of being. I am addicted to a feeling that only exists here in this life. I need to let go of it, otherwise I am unable to experience other greater things there are to be. 

I am so tired of this blindness to the awareness of the soul. The link that has been severed with the infinite peace that resides somewhere in me, but that is trapped behind some door that has been closed by a skeleton key of pain, sorrow and disillusion.

"Humans. Your griefs, your pains, fix you to moments in the past long gone. You're like butterflies with your wings pinned. My old friend, forever the boy who with the errant turn of a skeleton key broke the universe in his own heart. No more. You are now unshackled from the past. As I leave, I leave you free."

 I am yet to free myself, for I have not yet found the skeleton key that trapped me behind the limited feelings that in this timeline leave me weary. And because, I am tired of searching for words of comfort in others who struggle like me to make sense of this existential experience, I feel that I must drown my sorrows into these electronic canvas, in the hopes of finding some relief. 

 I ask for my angels to offer light to the path I must undertake to unshackle me from the jailer, the ever present ego, the child that wants to make the world is oyster, to savor it as it sees fit, or to throw a fit if the end result does not suit his whims. I know I can be better, I can be free from the pains and grievances if I take the steps need for absolution. 

After all "there are moments in our lives we fear to relive and others we long to repeat. While time cannot give us second chances, maybe people can."

May I can give me a new chance to be aware of what dreams may come, if I just sooth my ego into accepting that there is more to existence than the craving for earthly pleasures, and dominion of material things. 


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Building up a conscience

Hello there existential ones!

This is a point of view to one of the many experiences you can have in this universe according to the body you are inhabiting. As a regular human, your hearing spectrum has been established by local laws of physics as something that your hears perceived between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz, your viewing spectrum is contained above the infra-red and below the ultraviolet, in frequencies way above any hearing.

As a dog, your sight and sound experience would be so different, that you would think that you ought to be in an another universe if by some random act or reincarnation you end up waking alive inside the body on a dog, or any animal for that matter. Our interactions with any other life forms are mediated by the limits of the sense each species carries. The overlap of senses allows the common ground, but the experience is by no means similar. 

Considering other spectrum limits for other senses in the human body, one might wonder how limited is the conscience experience we have of the universe. We try with our clever ways to tackle into realms that super-exceed our body's ability to sense whatever is out there, but only recently in human history have we started to uncover what lies beneath the fabric of existence.   

Before all of this to be possible, one must consider the builiding of a conscience - the sense that Soul has when it is experiencing the life inside one of its host. To each is own of course, but only few have started to tap into the possibilities that come to being if the soul is truly aware of its part, rather than confusing itself for the partial universal experience of the bodily senses. We are so much more than senses and reason. 

The building of any conscience starts with this statement:


I am therefore I think. Existence - then conscience. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Fear as a teacher

What is fear? 

During my research for this post I came across this witty definition: 

 “F-E-A-R: has two meanings: 

    Forget Everything And Run 

    Face Everything And Rise. 

The choice is yours.” 

— Zig Ziglar. 12/11/2017

According to the American Psychology Association

Fear is an intense emotion aroused by the detection of imminent threat, involving an immediate alarm reaction that mobilizes the organism by triggering a set of physiological changes.

This might be the reason the human species survived some of its challenges until now. The fact that our ancestors were able to detect a threat and out of fear and the will to overcome it found ways to be the fittest of a number of situations that had risen. 

I tend to dislike fear for what it makes me feel, but I have learned that if I let it pass through me it cannot hurt me, but instead leave me with a lesson of a specific experience. The unknown, the possibility that what is imminent might not necessarily pose a threat nor what is new, nor what is different, nor what is beyond understanding. Fear can teach how to prevent a threat but it can also be an awakening for a new beginning. That which needs to be overcome. Fear as a hurdle to overcome, to understand the undiscovered truth of the new. 

I fear one too many things, and it is okay to acknowledge that it happens. The choice will always be on my side. I can be reckless and ignore it, I can try to understand it, to desiccate whatever it is that is producing the emotion within me, I might even invite it for drinks and let its purpose unfold. The truth of the matter is that fear is a teacher of choice. Do or do not. Let it pass through or let it reside in you.  Once again I think it is pertinent to bring the litany of fear from Frank Herbert's Dune. 

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

The experience is not the individual but a part of it. 
Fear is not the end, but an instant.

The dreamer, the seer, the player of woven dreams made real, the awareness of the soul manifested - only those different manifestations of the same true-self can unweave, disconstruct, face, obliterate, transform, ascend ... over fear as a limitation of being. 

Fear is an alert in the ongoing life, not the end of it. 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Dreamer of the infinite possibilities

Today I heard Deepak Chopra speak about the dreamer and the avatar. We perceive ourselves as the avatar most of the time, when in fact we are one of the infinte possibilites that are been dreamnt right about now. All our illusions, name, parents, country, status, love interests, friendships, jobs, worries, accomplisments, they are all part of the same dream that we are undergoing. It was purposed that what is left to do is for the experience (the illusion of life, the awareness) to join its dreamer. So, to you dreamer, I leave you this message, even though I am unware if you are able to perceive this language one of thousands in this vast universe you are creating. I wish I could understand more of what it is to be an spectator of countless experiences. I know now that whatever I do is irrelevant for my wishes, as this is all a manifestation to you. Good or bad are just constructs within the dream. Within my own experience of liveness what I can tell is that to know that this is just one of many possibilities takes the weight of importance of my shoulders. I can just flow with the experience, and allow myself to go. This can help me cope with an ego that is itself an illusion of control. Come and find me in my dreams if you can. There are experiences to be had there too.

Thursday, May 04, 2023

The wonder of being

Hello there! Isn't it lovely to be able to greet someone? To be able to prove to someone that you care! That you are alive! That you are alive and at the same time, you might be, not always, but at that unique moment, you might just be happy and thrilled to greet that exact person. It does not have to be your spouse nor your girlfriend nor the neighbour lady not even the neighbourly lady's dog. It might just be a kind stranger that for some reason stumbled right there in your life. If you are able to see and conceive the uniqueness of being face to face with loveliness of being, then my friend you are more awake than most. The reality is that most of us cross thousands people every day and only rarely are able to greet them with a word, a smile, a nod. I have forgotten many times on how to just say hi to the people I love. But maybe it would be nice to grant an once of respect for new people who step in. People step in and out all the time, but it takes a special connection to make them want to stay a while longer. Some of the harshest pains I had to endure was to not being able to convince people I loved that I wanted them in my life, because I was too bitter or too proud to claim my part of the problem. So I stopped being a true friend, to being too proud. Just be the best version of yourself, and yourself will mirror the best side of you inwards and outwards.

Monday, March 06, 2023

Deeper flow

 "There are possibilities"
But there must be accountability. One must be aware of the paths one is choosing. 
My view for these days of 2023, is that I am open to the universe once more. 
I am trying to shut my dependence on outer love and focus my intake of love from within. 
True love is already here. It is in me. It is the quintessential substance that flows within my soul.

So the new hope is that by being awake, I am given to fly towards my goal. 
The goal is to be content with every breath I take. To accept the joy of being alive. 
To indulge on living rather than having. To walk a mile and meditate with the footsteps and the look of the leaves. 

I am not inclined to write too much now, because I am just filled with a sense of awe. 
I keep realizing that life is the supreme manifestation of being, no matter what you are feeling. 
Feelings are only the toppings of a much deeper energy - the pulsating orb that makes everything come together. 

There is a flow.
But now, there is rest.

Until tomorrow