Sunday, March 13, 2005

What to make of it..


The green mile is on my mind. Tears roll down.
Is it possible that somewhere around the bend there are God’s miracles walking around dressed as people? I do not know what to make of Mr. John Coffey’s character but I tend to agree that people are able of using love to hurt.
How confusing is that to me? Shouldn’t love be used to heal, to help the ones we care to overcome the barriers of their own suffering. How can we be so evil as to pervert such a good gift as love is and convert it into something putrid as hatred…
It is quite simple. I think it all goes back to the ability of turning things around. If in a conscientious fashion we are able to turn a bad moment into a good moment by applying reason into it, then I guess that a good moment can be easily turned into a bad moment by using emotion.
If only reality was only a figure of our imagination and all these bad things that occur repeatedly in our lives mere echoes of hidden shadows of our dreams, then the world would be safe to be as it should be without our intelligent interference or our emotional interference to make it so shallow and empty as every second that we are in it passes by.
Yet, in our behalf I can say this, our presence here is as necessary as the colours in the world, the sounds of the universe, the life in the day. We can be better than worse, if only we would commit ourselves to letting our emotions being used for expression of good rather than the suffocation of bad.
I look at myself in any given mirror and I feel ashamed for the person that I have become.
I read the time that others dedicated to me in the shape of words and I feel proud of me.
In many moments of my life, I wished that I was a John Coffey, with the ability to touch people and let my love be a healing strength to them. I guess that in my heart I can indulge myself with wishful thinking, while in my daily life I resign myself to my common self.
Nevertheless, I prefer to dream of better moments in time, where the spirit of such a miracle can exist in each and every one of us, where the power of a moment of inspiration can be enough to provide man with the ability to achieve greatness or more important, in one split second each of us has the choice to reach for the person next to us, a stranger, a friend, a lover, a parent, another, and just let the wave of love spin the person into his or her track of love.
In me and in you, lies some sort of love that will make mends in the hearts of true friends (old ones and those that are yet to be).

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I’ve got the World on a String…


What would you do, if you were given the chance to construct your own world?
What wonders would you dare to create and what horrors would you keep away from your newest reality?

A new age as come for me, a time of awakening, where I realize that this gift was always there, waiting in the sun's zenith, waiting to be used.
My world, my life... they are what I make of it, no matter what lies further ahead or what passed just a few seconds or eons ago. I am living with what I choose. Granted, that my choices are not always the most smart, still, I do get a stroke of luck every now and then, when the moon is just right, winking at me with a grin.
Last December, I was taken by surprise by a chain of events. I had a need. A need to be busy, to have myself committed to some work. A work that needed me.
I found a man, who led me to his group of builders. I believe that they are in the business of constructing dreams. They do not know it yet, because they do it in their own pace and do it for themselves. Others like me are caught in the tide of creation and are swept away towards the whirlpool of the moment.
I was taken to their creative lair, just there, in the border of twilight, where my phone tells me that two countries exist at the same time. A phone is unable to lie on it's own and so he conveys by the roaming symbol flashing on and off the existence of another place.
Still the creation of dreams happens anywhere, as long as somebody is there to create them.
It is good to follow dreams every now and then, and it is good to have people who support me in my quest for them.
I have M.
M is my dream within a dream, a selfless being whose objectives lie in the satisfaction of others. I am the other whose satisfaction she sees fit.
It is good to have the leverage of destiny forcing our desires, forging them in a reality.
10 years ago I ambitioned working in the film industry. However my wish was quite disputed by the lack of proof of my judgment. And so, my insecurity guide me in my choices, these led to my actions that now in this time complete the cycle of wanting (without believing. I am now faced with the option of succeeding in what I once believed but had no will to fulfill.
So today I begin the cycle of wanting and belief, and so I can sing:
I've got the world in a string, and I can move it with a touch of my ring.
Translation to the feeble minds that are too occupied with their everyday worries.

I am working on my life toward my wishes. I meet psychics, arrogant directors, wonderers of some sort, ordinary people, dreamers, common mirror reflexions, I even meet you.
Alas, I meet myself and I realize, that I can tap into my shoulder and lend a piece of advice. With it, I dare to go there, where the dreams lie and wait. Where the pencil is placed convientely to write this story; or where the brush awaits to paint the colorful scenary of my days, or to gather friends (old and new) in the most unusual places.

I've got the world in a string, my world, my dream, my string.