Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Oh my!

Truth has it that life is more amazing than we suspect in a depressive moment.
I grant you my friends, that I have risen from lowest of the low to the noblest of human sensations in fractions of time, without realizing how on Earth do I find the balance to accept all these variations of mood that occur me.
The chance of finding out how to get more fun out of life is a relationship of probability combined with witt and stamina to produce change! One must make changes in order to aspire to higher plains of thought and understanding. So that we may follow into a bliss after a sorrow or go from pointless to inspired and hence create something new, something great, something to be proud of. And the level of greatness is measured by the sense of furfillment we get out of the actions we decide to make.
All initiative is commendable, all action leads to a reaction and after all, any first move will be behind a chain of events that will lead to a constructive moment of life.
Oh my! Why can't I leave the bad spirits behind me, and truly construct something worthwhile with my life.... something worth sharing.
No more!
No more!
I hear people shouting, in their dreams of fulfillment, trying desperately to put in motion a conscience that will make society more aware and less mechanical, more human and less economical. We need some form of change.
If all truths are correct, and all beliefs valid, then tolerance must lead the way. We need to integrate and not exclude. We must be and not pretend. We must share and not keep. We must give the feeling of love to one and all, instead of keeping it for a few. For love is the key that binds us all.
Oh my! Will we change?
Change we must!
Starting with me!

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