Wednesday, August 06, 2014

master block

perchance to write.
i dwell so dearly to find the words.
to express a single thought in its most purest form.
instead i find my self without a thread of thought.
all is messy up in the brain.
the ideas float from synapse to synapse, but they are not able too find coordination to reach the outside.
i feel a prisoner within my own head. it is as if i wanted to think but i am thoughtless
you can see from the pointless and futile exercise that appears in front of you now.

to  make matters worse, i feel i am developing a form of dislexia
imagine that i want to refer to the present with word now and i frequently write know
or i want to go to the past of be and instead of saying was i will go to have and say has
oh sweet confusion
i am affraid that i am getting dumber
new ideas are getting harder to form
and express i do not know how
also I am losing focus
I can't read for long periods
and even these are getting shorter
my attention span is closing

i think i will have a shell outlasting my innerself
and a spark of conscience will eventually abandon me

with a masters to complete, how am i going to succeed

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