Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Building up a conscience

Hello there existential ones!

This is a point of view to one of the many experiences you can have in this universe according to the body you are inhabiting. As a regular human, your hearing spectrum has been established by local laws of physics as something that your hears perceived between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz, your viewing spectrum is contained above the infra-red and below the ultraviolet, in frequencies way above any hearing.

As a dog, your sight and sound experience would be so different, that you would think that you ought to be in an another universe if by some random act or reincarnation you end up waking alive inside the body on a dog, or any animal for that matter. Our interactions with any other life forms are mediated by the limits of the sense each species carries. The overlap of senses allows the common ground, but the experience is by no means similar. 

Considering other spectrum limits for other senses in the human body, one might wonder how limited is the conscience experience we have of the universe. We try with our clever ways to tackle into realms that super-exceed our body's ability to sense whatever is out there, but only recently in human history have we started to uncover what lies beneath the fabric of existence.   

Before all of this to be possible, one must consider the builiding of a conscience - the sense that Soul has when it is experiencing the life inside one of its host. To each is own of course, but only few have started to tap into the possibilities that come to being if the soul is truly aware of its part, rather than confusing itself for the partial universal experience of the bodily senses. We are so much more than senses and reason. 

The building of any conscience starts with this statement:


I am therefore I think. Existence - then conscience. 

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