Tuesday, June 11, 2024


The days pass rapidly between posts and life seems severely compromised in order to prevent me to share with the internet universe whatever thoughts creep in. For those of you, who actually take time to read this blog, I can tell you that I am doing so much better. Love expectations have melted away and the mere experience of life as it is, with all the unknowns that fate has to offer, is being a most enjoyable one. Someone once uttered the wisdom that the soul is the player with the avatar, and that most of life pains, if not all, are the experience of the player feeling the frustrations of the situation the avatar is experiencing. So ready player 1 it is, but life is more than a successful score of love, money, family, social status.

If this is true, when we all die, regardless of the experiences in life, the soul will carry on and this life experience will be over. So the lesson is this, enjoy the character that you are playing, do not confuse the pains of your persona with the core of your being, because you are so much more than the heart aches, the pains, the struggles, the joys, the items, the purchases, the losses - all these are just cumulative aspects of an existence. I guess the purpose of it all is to be able to surf life and develop empathy with others while growing a deeper connection with the self. 

I guess the problem for most is that we are all too close to the characters in our lives. We want to emulate what seems to be the right thing to be, according to the ruling pattern that the times are currently showing. To be bold or to be compliant are two sides of the same fate. Accept the circumstances or fight against them, in the end there will be no evaluation, just a sense of a life that melted away with all that was earned. There is a kind of a zero sum game at play. We born with nothing and proceed to the next stage with nothing. We can think that whatever we produce as property, currency, friends, affections, objects, tell the story of us... when in fact the true story is taking place within, regardless of the accolades, the praises, the prizes, the recognition from others. 

 So what experience will you have today. Learn to see your avatar from the outside, if for some reason some sensation seems to be overwhelming. Breathing is also a good reminder of the inner clock. 

In the end life, death will come as an icicle melt...



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