Saturday, December 13, 2003

Letter to myself - a ego boost to oneself


"All the screens are staged and the all the men and women are mere players doing their part"

Shakespeare revisited!

Dear Carlos,

How fun is life?
One could dwell an eternity on this issue without coming to a truly rewarding resolution that could give peace to one's mind about what in fact is funny in being alive.
Once, a strange woman in Portugal said the most extraordinary thing:
"The opposite of being dead is being alive"
How we wanted so desesperately that she would blessed us with a personal practical view of such wise words. We didn't asked for much, after all we wanted was to see an exhibition of the opposite side of her "alive state". Alas she failed to grant us this little request, but then, we would be deprived of such spontaneous comedy.
Life is fun in it's true essence has it hold us to the point of being in extremes, having only a few seconds in between. I wonder who has been able to escape the swift changes of humor, well you people that are sleeping now are not allowed to answer in the grounds of prolonged inaction.
Personally I can tell you this Carlos. You have been taking quite an extraordinary piece of existence, ever since we set foot in this play you perform.
You are not the common hard-worker, or the dedicated student, or the preserverant mind that sticks to it's goals, however you do know how to live a funny life, merely by using what destiny places around.
Friends and family are two groups of individuals who have been blessed of meeting you, even when you decide to do an impersionation of Lord of the Dance and his full set of 100 Irish tap dancers in your bedroom, at most convenient time 5.00 am. Who cares if that other group of individuals, known as neighbors perform parades and raise signs claiming for peace and quite. If they wanted peace and quiet they should go to outer-space where the vacuum prevents any sound travel from A to B, regardless where A and B are. Who cares?
My friend, you are about to embark in a new Odyssey, a journey that will take you away from friends and family, that won't be the there to protect against the strangers who might resent late night performances of any type of STOMP activity you might come to develop. The Odyssey that you will have in front of you, will make you grow as an individual, allowing you to meet knew people, rendez-vous with old friends and enjoy the perspective of silence in a whole different ground. Isn't funny enough, to make life worth while?
I always thought life was worthwhile, as soon as I discovered the therapeutic value of a fart in a bubble bath, even though it was quite unhealthy for any romantic relation I could have had... Darn beans!!! Still, it was all in good fun, a fart is a fart! And it helps to release the pressure out of you, at least from the intestines, leaving our friends the mutualistic bacteria much more pleased not that the farting sound with all its gas went way.
I forget my point. It's the second time this week, and about the millionth of my life.
Carlos, life is fun just by being able to compose these words to you, even if it just to suck up to you and tell you to go to sleep because your body needs rest, even though your eager mind is allowing your starving soul enjoy the wonderful joys of Laughter.
I should remind you however that the music stopped, and that you are acting on inner inspiration alone, which lead you to the fartology outburst that might aggravate some polite minds that might come to read this. I wonder what the Nobel committee would make of this insanity!
No matter, as we decided to devote our life to madness in is purest form, through honesty and comedy. It's so spectacularly funny to be alive that you can explode, pick up the peaces reconstruct yourself as a true Role model and explode again into becoming the nice guy that you are now.
Whatever you do, do it as Socrates told you once, a few years ago:
"To Thy self be true"
Isn't that funny!
Life is preciously funny.
Dear Carlos, just try and keep up with the flow of fun the surrounds you and spread a bit of that around.
Take Care

Yours truly,

Carlos Sousa

LISTENING: NOTHING RIGHT NOW, but I was earing a Cuban guy called Sylvio Rodriguez - special note to a song about a unicorn that he lost! Although it is so deep, he says in the song that we will pay well for the information that will lead him to find the Blue unicorn.
READING: Some emails that come my way and still dwelling on the Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes

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