Sunday, February 29, 2004

Changes and rendezvous


Today is a very unique day!
The 29th of February happens once every four
years, to compensate the time elapse during the
rotation of the Earth around it's SUN.
This situation changes rarely, unlike the lifes
of the creatures that rule the surface of this
planet. Every second or so we the inhabbitants of
the Earth are submitted to varitions of fate,
called changes.
I will focus particularly on my case.
For the past eight months I have been working as
a submanager, class B-12 in the PLO Agua e Sal
spaceship, better known to all as a common
restaurant in the Lisbon Oceanarium. This
experience followed a 4 month period in Canada
that made me focus more on what I want out of
life. As such I went through some changes, with
the help of new and old friends, some close by
some as far as the farther Poseidon sea, I manage
to recover from a early life crises.
Today I am conteplating my last week on Portugal,
as I am about to embarc in the Montreal Odissey.
When I as an inconscient teenager, I lived in
dread of ever venturing beyond the borders of the
world that I knew with the overwhelming fear of
what could be beyond those walls that I don't
Change allowed me to overcome fear and face what
the world had to offer in regions quite far from
the borders of my known teen-world.
Before I launch myself on this third venture
among the canadians I am preparing to leave the
known universe behind.
My birthday party, next tuesday, poses a
wonderful opportunity to reunite myself with
people from many stages of my life. Old friends
and new friends together in the same room,
allowing me to create such a vivid image of all
of them, that will never make me want to forget
where home is.
I will be seeing people that I haven't seen in
years, people that I haven't talked in years.
This rendezvous will be a change as well.
I feel touched by bringing together so many souls
that in a way or another have touched my own in a
very unique way.
My route to happiness starts with this certainty,
that a given point in my life I had a friend and
that I was happy with that friend. Now as I am
only a week away from leaving this world behind,
I realize that my happiness lies around as small
pockets of invisible energy that bring me closer
to what I have been looking for - Happiness for
me and everyone else.
For 8 months I committed my life to the
Restaurant and to give what I could of myself to
ensure that it would go the distance and that it
would have wings of it's own to fly. The bird is
lose now, and next tuesday will take 50 more
passangers that have changed my life in a way
that only in dreams I know how so.
Alas, not all the rendezvous that I desire are
possible. Still, instead of crying about all that
is not set to be, I will be glad in enjoying all
that it can be.
People are complex molecules that run freely in a
entropic system, their unique moments of
rendez-vous are enough to create massive changes
in the shape of the heart of everyone, even in
the image of that dragonfly's dream, where all of
this was created!
I don't mind changing as long as it is for the
best. I will keep on creating rendez-vous that
will help me grow beyond my borders and expend my
dreams to where they belong.

Listening: Immortal Memory by Lisa Gerard and
Patrick Cassidy

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