Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Express yourself

What is it dear ones with our expressions of affection, that sometimes seem so hard to come out?

I have wondered many times, what is it that refrains us from expressing our affections?

Is it fear?
Is it shame?
Are we to proud to say what we really feel?
Or do we want to hide our precious feelings so that no one can take advantage of us?

I Feel that I have more to gain by sharing myself than actually holding back.
People who hold too much, carry a larger suitcase of emotions, and sometimes they do not know how to deal with all of them.

It is easier sometimes to pretend than to deal with the facts.
But if we are honest enough with ourselves to face the facts, then we are winners, for us and ultimately to others. Because we are much more truthful.

Take the fact, if you will, of a friend I have, that has been struggling to find is place in the world.
Should he keep studying
Should he get a job
Should he pursue a dream
Should he face what he really wants.

I feel personally that if he can express himself to himself first, he will be able to overcome the challenges that he faces.
These challenges, by the way, start within.

We have a bigger challenge within us, which is to be truthful.
To hear our cry, to hear our heart.
To let it express it self.
Be it by a conversation with a friend
Be it by painting
Be it by acting
Be it by writting on a blog, whatever it is that goes on your mind.

Now, I write here, more and more.
I do it in the hope that someone passes and take interest and perchance, who knows... express him or herself.

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