Thursday, October 18, 2007

Funny bitterness


Dwelling on funny thoughts it's a laughable matter to anyone who takes lifes too seriously.
I guess I am the kind of person, who tries to take life too lightly when it comes to everyone else, except my own.

Hoe is me!

A typical self-pity scenario that society as endured for too long and produced creative replies such as "Cheer up! At least you got your health" or "Spare me with the pity and self-loathing".
I wonder if people are naturally bad or if they are born like that. Possibly some are thaught to be evil, just be following the example of others, without considering for once that to question someone's acts is far more legitim than following them blindly.
I guess I am not inclined to be funny, at least I don't think I will be with this bitter tone and harsh examples.
Paramount moments.
Now, there is something worth spending some fragments of time pondering. What were my greatest moments lately. Will I ever match those moments in my remaing life time?
Funny, sometimes I think more about living the moment, now I am divided between my past and my future. Considering if the future will match or even beat the past, without putting to consideration whatever gift my present has installed for me.

I wanted to write something today. I wanted it to be deep  and heart felt, so that my words, put together with so much effort would find its way to  move someone.

The best feeling I have had, thus far, was realizing that in my life some of my actions, one at least, perhaps more, have made somebody's life better at one specific point.
Still, I am no angel, and for every positive action, I most certainly produce an equally negative reaction, as the laws of the Universe state.

Last funny thought of all. The angel.
I wish I was an angel. No to fly nor play the banjo up on the clouds. but rather to assist, to talk, to cheerish, to reach into the depths of feeling and release anybodya adn everybody from the river of pain the flows beneath their skin, hidden behind false smiles and funny innuendos.
I guess anyone can be an angel. All it takes is a random act of kindness to anyone we meet.
without prejudice, without pride, without a scoring intent.
Because it is funny to be as good as good can be to anyone, no matter how bitter they can be.
A bit of magic, here and there... that's all it takes.

However, for magic to work, there must be believers. 
For its from the chains of belief that the magic draws the strenght to do something unique.

In this mellow day of october, I realize that to be an angel, all it takes is a bit of belief in my own acts of random kindness, despite all the sorrow I might feel at any given point.
All creatures deserve happiness.

Oh well!

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