Saturday, October 19, 2013


"I know someday you'll have a beautiful life in somebody else's sky
but why,
why can't it be, in mine"

Ah September I remember you well.
I guess I love you and November the most.
Maybe it is because both of you hold the most precious of the seasons for me - Autumn.

It also true that this time reminds me that all things most come to an end
You have given me so many occasions, where this was so true.

So now every year, I get to celebrate this most unique time - a celebration of endings.
And as they say, endings are just beginnings.

Today, I am too tired to think about new possibilities, but I promise that I will hold a thought or two to honour this most scared time.

How pervasive am I.
What damage do I bring.

No answer!
I see!

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