Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Waiting room

The room holds 25 blue chairs, divided in tandem groups.
The patients or their companions occasionally take a sit and engage on different ways to pass the time, until one of the voices on the other side of the loudspeaker releases them from the purgatory of the wait. Most of them are involved with their gadgets, a cell phone, a tablet, a few read books or magazines, others indulge on a mid morning snack to delude the hunger that inevitably ends up showing during the long waiting hours.
This is a purgatory indeed, one of fate.
After all, this is the oncology ward, where lives are over like a light is shut with a flick of a switch.  The dire revelation of the dreaded Mr. Cancer is felt in the room. However no one seems to be revealing the odd truth, behind their wait.
Will I die soon?
Am I going to make it?
Will it hurt?
What will come of me if he or she goes?
A dire wait in a cold hospital waiting room, where the only constant is the tandem groups that account for 25 blue chairs.

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