Saturday, November 09, 2019

Achieving enlightenment

Spoiler alert - I have yet to achieve enlightenment

According to "The Dude and The Zen Master" book I may be attaching too much on aspects of life that need no extra concerning on my part, than that I would give if I was dead.

The burden of caring too much is, I think, what keeps me away from the knowledge of inner peace.
If I worry too much about what others will think of me, I will never find that which I seek. Also seeking it too much will prevent me from just letting it manifest it self when it will. Which can be happening right now. Much like the society of cells the inhabits my body, beneath my skin, there is a myriad of events that I am completely oblivious too until the consequences reveal an effect that is impossible to ignore. But if I pay attention, it will be there manifesting itself right now.
Its like a soft sound that is masked by louder noises.

Do not think too much about what should be, instead accept what it is, do what flows in you to do, do not take for granted anything and do not let the opportunity of being pass you by.

I guess I need to right a few words  now.
Even if they make little sense.
They will translate something important to someone.

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