Thursday, December 04, 2003

Fear and Paranoia, a personal view


People tend to judge other people's lives with more scrutiny than that which they use to examine their own. Usually, it's developed a notion of: "if I were you" assuming that they know, all the necessary courses of action to correct someone else's choices, more even than their own.
The funny thing about the whole matter comes when someone claims for their need of space; peace of mind; comfort of choice without being called for any sort of account for whatever steps one decided to take in his life.

I lose myself in all the different ways commonly used to influence someone's life.

I dare to explain a part of the process as I see it, for that I must divide the whole thing in two major groups:

1. Those who think you are doing the right thing
2. Those who think quite the opposite.

Let me start explaining in general terms the latter group.

Coming out of my own experience, this group of people, who care for the individual, whose life is being studied under a "friendly microscope", tend to be more aggressive in showing their dislike in the individual's choices, which are not in the tune with their rational view, even if it makes some sense in a more spiritual level.

It's frequent to apply a strategy to persuade the individual.

Step 1. Totally repulse for a particular point in choice.
Example. An individual wants to go study abroad.
A immediate set of actions and reactions is put in place

Action: I wouldn't go if I were you, that is so expensive
Reaction: I will work and pay for it.
Action: You will probably would do the same thing here, for less money.
Reaction: I believe that I would be well served in that particular institution.
Action: Yes, but you will be far away, will you manage one your own?. (a sense of fear starts to be fed here, through some malice)
Reaction: Eventually, I will.

Step 2. Spreading Fear and Paranoia

Action: Look, a war has started! Aren't you afraid of retaliation in the country where you are going? What if they close the borders and you are stuck there on your own for a very long time!?
Action: Are you sure that is the right course for you? Did you make your choice wisely? Will you get a job with your degree afterwards?
Action: It's so difficult to get a job these days in that area.
Action: What do you know of that field, to be sure you will really want to do it?

Step 3. The final blow

Action: Are you still sure you want to go? Have you thought about all the people you leave behind? Aren't you being a bit selfish?

These actions, are but a mere handful of examples in ways to let out the fear and paranoia, which come and take the individual who is striving hard in finding is spot in the world.
Everyone takes these negative actions with the best of intentions, because they "know" that that is the best way to do things, even if their own lives is a failure blunder after another, to which they would explain: "I am an expert on bad choices, I just don't want to see you make one!"

The group of people, who is in favour, usually does not want to feed the paranoia, but they do making the kind of questions that put more pressure in it.

Action: Have you started researching for what you are doing?
Action: Have you taken care of all the details? Do you have your passport? Have you bought your ticket, yet? What about insurance, are you fully covered? Where will you be staying?

These are the kinds of questions that even wider the deep of despair that one has to face when life needs a choice to be taken.

The amount of fear and paranoia that result from the combined action of both groups is enough to drive one to madness and just let him stay there.
This is particularly more aggravating because it is done by the people, who supposedly care the most for the poor fellow, whose life seems so confusing at times.

When one is stubborn enough to stand up for his convictions and asks for the reason behind all this, the most common reaction is:

"I was only doing it in your own interest, after all I am your friend or I am so and so in regards to you, so you should expect me to get worried for your foolish actions"


"You should be more wise in taking older people's advices, but don't let yourself be influenced, make your own decisions" - a last step towards paranoia.

People's freedom is a thing from the past!
From day to day we are forced to live under a dictatorship of rules and models that stand out in our society. The freedom to pursue any dream is always undermined, starting at the core of one's nest.
The true visionaries who had the insight and the courage to bring their dreams to reality, are the ones who stick to the plan, faithful to their on visions for what they want for themselves, rather than committing their lives to the opinions and judgements of others, allegedly performing all in the best of interests.
How can anyone be allowed to dream? All of them are, initially condemned to failure by the majority of individuals. They will be a cause of despair, as the ruling class views them as mere figments of imagination that should be cast away, since they interfere with common logic of things. The problem is hampered by the frustrations that others have with their own lives and by a natural sense of competition don't want to be overtaken in the quest for happiness. It is so much simple to take the easy way out, and just be a machine, without daring more than what immediate reality brings. Why fight against it?
Why let the fear and paranoia? By ignoring any "ludicrous" scenario one avoids the prejudice of society, friends and family, hence no more persecuting notions of fear and paranoia.
I wonder, if underneath all the secure masks, used to hide the true feelings, a sense of deception and frustration exists as the most natural reaction a soul can possibly as. After all if one accepts to live someone else's dreams, won't the soul feel that its true calling is being thrown to void.

Yet for those who decide to pursue dreams, their battle against fear and paranoia starts at the very core of one's particular soul, by accepting the fact that whatever decision taken is in fact just a decision. All of them carry natural consequences; the only way to view them is by acting towards one or the other. The natural way to do it is going for what the soul asks for, or else the destiny is set by the other one's dreams rather than our own.

My life is being filled with so much paranoia from all the sides, that I wake up after a mere 4 hours of sleep, without being able to get back to those nice valleys in the land of Morpheus, as I am stuck in this reality with the demons someone fed me; those, obviously, being Fear and Paranoia.
I don't want to overcome to any of this, as I value my mental health a great deal, whatever being pursued by all these notions and ideas, which I don't call for, will may cause some permanent damage in my own conscience, even though I don't believe in no permanent damage, all is in fact transient.

I will stick with the plan, and take each consequence day by day.

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