Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's not easy being green


To anyone that reads this, who at some point in life felt misplaced as if you did not know where you belong, or worse that you felt as if you did not belong, I write a bit about this theme.

It is quite frequent for me to have doubts about who I am and what if I am doing the right thing in life. I guess it is easy to live life by the value of others rather than our owns because this way we have someone else to tell us what to do, which eases off the burden of responsibility. Nonetheless, this responsibility sticks. It grabs on to one's actions like a second coat of skin.

I believe that to live up to what we believe in should count more than any other opinion supported on criteria defined by others. So easy it is to criticize and judge upon appearances, decisions, actions, moments in someone else's life than to truly take a step back, look around a see the world that we build for ourselves. It does not matter if it is unappealing to others as long as it appealing to the heart of the person who created it.

We do not have to think alike! We are not alike! It does not matter that we are different.
As long as our similarities or our differences are not used to destroy us in hence.
Many people destroy their hence because they are afraid to be alone in life, that no one will liked them for what they like, for what they believe, for how they look.

On the other hand it does not matter if we share one idea with a zillion people, it does not matter if that once of thought is the same. We all share the same biology, the same breath, the same necessities.

With all our differences and similarities we are unique, each and everyone. And in our own simple and proper way of being lies a treasure worthy of an universe as grandiose as the one we live in, and know so little.

Think of all the universes out there worth discovering, in your house, in your neighbour's house, in your schools, your jobs, your bakery, your shops, your streets, your cities. Think of all you can learn from just one, if you have the time and space to share the once of thoughts.

I end this entry, with a mention to a wonderful song, written by Joseph Raposo Jr, son of Portuguese immigrants. We had a wonderful collaboration with the Sesame street gang that lead to this music, which speaks about difference. His words, from his own unique universe have made my life richer in so many moments, that I can say that I am happy being as I am, because I can have the time and space to realize that this life is worth... every once of it, in each breath...

It's not easy being green!
(Joe Raposo)

It's not that easy being green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold...
or something much more colorful like that.

It's not easy being green.
It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things.
And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're
not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water
or stars in the sky.

But green's the color of Spring.
And green can be cool and friendly-like.
And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain,
or tall like a tree.

When green is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why?
Wonder, I am green and it'll do fine, it's beautiful!
And I think it's what I want to

Wednesday, July 18, 2007



Human nature is filled with a wide variety of examples of bonding. I believe that it goes straight to the core of our molecular relations, considering all the ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, covalent bonds and any kind other bonds that the atoms might enjoy.

I find myself quite depending of the human equation. As much as I try to be independent of the rest of my species, I end up finding refuge among the best of them.

There is no way I could ever become an eremite. Spending my time alone, bonding with nature alone, having no one to share the experience, accompanied only by my own ego, which would feel empty of meaning for the lack of someone to grab my qualities too.

I guess, I feel alone these days. I am on the basis of a job that gives me some reward, but I am a competitive and selfish person that wishes to find success to fit in. To a degree, I have been trying to convince myself that in this life what matters is doing whatever makes us happy, in order to put some satisfaction in a pointless way of life.
Isolating myself from the rest of my fellowmen only results broadening the gap between us, hence leaving me more and more frustrated with the choices I make in my life.

Humanity grants me little comfort with all their views and politics, while trying to legislate reason in the realms of emotion. Sad part of it is I wish I could be an eremite and truly make it on my own. Everything! Feeding, providing, resting, and enjoying my days.

In the end I guess I am as much addicted to mankind as I am to meat, which proves the other point... I can't be a vegetarian until the day I have no other choice!
For me bonding is mainly sharing. Being able to gather up a part of experiences and enjoyed them in the company of someone we love and trust. However with all the speed at which our lives are set to move by, we have little time to trust or to love, unless it is programmed.

Time management! Truth be told, it is harder than it looks! Being able to make time to include life is not that easy, if life will depend on others to set their clocks the same fashion, hence providing for the rare bonding to take place.

I have been having some bonding on the weekends. The best of it all was about a month and half ago, where a friend and me went on a wild trip up the moments to bond with nature. The experience was fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone who needs desperately to feel alive.

After all, bonding is the way that we as human beings find of communing the essence of life in its core. Without it, life is just a random set of events that holds no purpose to the cells that make up its fabric, and if one breaks, no one will come to make mends.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Sunrise Conspiracy


Why is it at times that couples enjoy to stay up late in order to share a sunrise together?
What is so profund in that experience, that makes them endure a jetlag of sorts to cherish that unique moment of the day that repeats itself every 24 hours?
Once I read somewhere that to power down the trust of sorrow, one should relinquish to the possibility of joy.
A sunrise depicts the birth of a day, which in its one simply remarkably different cycle brings the pristine promise of a new beginning.
As such, for all of us to appreciate the true nature of a sunrise is to give power to the most wonderful conspiracy of joy.
A conspiracy that roles the dice on the chances of life and let us believe that the sorrow in our hearts can be replaced by the joy that comes in each new beginning.
By breaking the cycle from dusk till down, one wittness the empowering possiblity of contentment in his or her life.
In the case of the couple it provides the substance for one unique tomorrow of starting today!
I have just welcomed a new sunrise!
I wonder what it has installed for me, with all the promises that this new day brings?
Have you seen any good sunrises lately?
Knowing what you could do if the day could start all over again, what you do if you relive that day, everyday by adding the joy of each previous days...?
Confused, then you need to join the Sunrise Conspiracy.

Listenning: Deep Forest's Pacifique

Monday, July 09, 2007

To write or not write


I begun writing a column back in 2003. Inspired by my fellow room-mate, who had a column of his own, the late Memory_hole (that I so dearly miss), I have pondered on my self-recreation to assemble a couple of sentences and try to put out my feelings for the situation at hand.
The reality was it, that I was somehow seeking for some attention, not that I've ever had issues with lack of it, but more as a sense of being accepted for what I could be.
To some, my style was tedious, to others enthusiastic.
I guess the lesson that you cannot please everybody applies to this specific nature as well.
It is never easy to write from the heart, when the mind is clogged with so many notions and misconceptions of a world in turmoil... my world. The havoc that I create around my thoughts prevents me from going further in life as a writer, as I ruin my hearts content with so much unnecessary reason.
The question now goes, to why do I keep on writing?
Is it more as a self-indulgence, to elude myself into a cultural grasp that quite simple is not my own to reach, or do I just embark into these ego-trips as a form of pulling myself upwards, since downwards brings nothing pleasant anymore.
In the end, I guess it does not really matter, since I will do it anyway. To you the reader, is left the choice to stop or go on... such is the world of the words, as one chooses when to finish the journey that the author has installed for you, or simply to step down at first convenient stop and choose a more appropriate path to move on.
I guess, I will keep on writing, more and more....albeit as public domain as it may be, but coming from a heart whose depths vary as the moods go by. So let it be written, so let it be felt...