Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Sunrise Conspiracy


Why is it at times that couples enjoy to stay up late in order to share a sunrise together?
What is so profund in that experience, that makes them endure a jetlag of sorts to cherish that unique moment of the day that repeats itself every 24 hours?
Once I read somewhere that to power down the trust of sorrow, one should relinquish to the possibility of joy.
A sunrise depicts the birth of a day, which in its one simply remarkably different cycle brings the pristine promise of a new beginning.
As such, for all of us to appreciate the true nature of a sunrise is to give power to the most wonderful conspiracy of joy.
A conspiracy that roles the dice on the chances of life and let us believe that the sorrow in our hearts can be replaced by the joy that comes in each new beginning.
By breaking the cycle from dusk till down, one wittness the empowering possiblity of contentment in his or her life.
In the case of the couple it provides the substance for one unique tomorrow of starting today!
I have just welcomed a new sunrise!
I wonder what it has installed for me, with all the promises that this new day brings?
Have you seen any good sunrises lately?
Knowing what you could do if the day could start all over again, what you do if you relive that day, everyday by adding the joy of each previous days...?
Confused, then you need to join the Sunrise Conspiracy.

Listenning: Deep Forest's Pacifique


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