Wednesday, July 24, 2013

There are places I will remember all my life

"There are places I'll remember all my life!
Some remain, not forever and some are gone"

To live is to experience.
To those in pain, it must be rather difficult to grasp this concept.
Because pain is such a powerful and disturbing experience that seldom leaves any room for any interpretation other than pain itself.
But believe me that pain is also part of the experience. Through pain we learn that fire can harm and that spikes pinch our skin and that hunger is a slow pain that grows within calling for the self perservation of the one experiencing it.

Fortunately, the world is not made up of feelings such as pain, but instead it is filled with a vast amount of possibilities to experience. Some quite brief others seemingly eternal.
We do not need to move far to experience the wonder of the experience of being alive.
At times, all it takes is to walk on our neighbourhood and try to count to amount of smells, colours, sounds, touches we will encounter.
I guess the most troubling thought of all, is to assume that we take all this for granted.

The experience implies two things:
First the object, person, place, moment must exist or occur or be present
Secondly, we too must be there. It will not matter if it occurs and there is no one there to experience it.

To assume that all that is, will exist forever, is to blindly ignore the value of the uniqueness of each moment.
I accept that somethings will be bad while others will be good.
I will not deny that the relationship of good and bad will depend on the point of view.
After all, everything is relative.
A breakup must be a grief for a person and a relief for another.
A death might be the grief for those that experience the loss, but it may just be the final consequence of being alive which in the relieves us all, with a unique perspective story to tell.

Because it is uncertain if we ever get a second chance to come around, it is best to assume that this time now, is unique and we should make the best of it, with what seems fit. - If I want to read, let me read, if i want to sleep, let me sleep, if i want to experience the grief of a long lost love, let me dwell on the inspired loss of said grief. All is granted, as long as it harms no one. Society does not appreciate that.
But we should not live on just what society expect us to do. After all, societies evolve and they are made by the unique creatures that at a given moment are there to tell the tale.

I will rest now, with the fair conscience that i am doing my best to enjoy my stay here, with you.
I am far too lucky to have been granted the plethora of feelings.
The pains and the rewards
For all that is worth, they make me more human. Nor better nor worse. I evolve just as I have to and hopefully along the way, I too can be a unique experience for you, as undoubtly you are to me.

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