Friday, September 13, 2024

Creation Muses

In Greek mythology, there were creatures that would cause awe and inspiration to those who came near them. The blessing of such contact was enough to render them with images, sights, sounds that needed to be conveyed through canvas, song, poem or any other form of expression that was available to the intrepid wanderers that might have come across such gentle and inspiring creatures. 
Lately, I have been in need of such a creature as my inner voice has dimmed silently to a whisper. As such my creations are bereft of any true purpose or meaning. A purpose in meaning. What does anything mean to me? What is the purpose then to do the things I do?
I believe that I create to muse others. Well, frankly to be granted a thank you for their amusement. It is a trade you see. They smile, and I glitter. 
But I know that when love strikes, I tend to find that unique audience of one more powerful than the largest of crowded rooms in the world. After all the divine attention of one loves trumps the attention of the world. Isn't one's affection the price of the world. So to have a proposal to create to the one I care for, should be a reward on its own, to fill me with confidence, that anything is possible in the given time.
How I long to create, something wonderful, something that muses the muse.

To creation hall I dive, where the mirrored gate allows me to ponder on my reflection with Narcissus gaze and be proud of who I am, because I am about to create with the fire of inspiration. 

Now... only time will tell, how fair my inspiration will be. 

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