Sunday, September 01, 2024


I do believe that nightmares are panic attacks from the sub-conscience. 
What is it that we dread so much that has to come to us in the form of dreams that are horrific in content and form? Fascinating is the lingering effect that those terrifying expressions from within carry to our present, past the point of awakening. Just this past night I dreamed of mutants closing in on me, as I was about to enter a warehouse where something was calling for my attention. I know that I woke up startled with the afterthought that the strange creatures were still with me, and my thoughts carried contradictory messages, as if it was impossible for them to be here, but same time a cautious feeling kept me awake for a few minutes. 
I have no idea what the message of this dream was. It was to complex to make heads or tails from it. I just know that I was in danger or at lease that was my perception. 

What are nightmares after all? To be continued to be sure.

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