Friday, August 30, 2024


"It's the great, big, broad land 'way up yonder, 

It's the forests where silence has lease; 

It's the beauty that thrills me with wonder, 

It's the stillness that fills me with peace"

The spell of the Yukon by Robert W. Service

Where silence has lease is where my soul finds the quiet melody of inner peace. Surrounding me in that unique space of zero frequencies, I feel the pulse of my own symphony - the song unwritten screaming to be sung and yet finding no safe passage to the surface of reality. This twilight like place of inner light and inner quietude fills me with the prospect of a life beyond the flesh. So, this inner soundless song, can be felt rather than heard when I let go of all expectations and accept the present in me for what it is - a subtle gift of existence. 

I sometimes forget that me as an I or a self contained being, am more than the whole sum of this life of worldly experiences which this vessel allowed me to experience thus far. These hopes, dreams and disappointments are nothing more than echoes of a flesh like hunger... a thirst for comfort. Sumptuous food, delicate sounds, soft touch, aromatic essence, breathtaking views - all are nothing more than mere desires from the senses pinned to my soul as demands of my body existence. 

So, I need to plunge into that mirror pool of silence to cleanse myself, from all the noises of wants and needs the world teases me with, like a sort of mâitre d' would in a fancy cosmos. Because if I do not, I will always be on the look out for the next big experiment to indulge myself with. During this lifetime, I have looked for love and affection in all the wrong places and for all the wrong reasons. Always as a means to bring meaning to a life that has in itself an abundance of meaning and requires nothing more than just being. 

Unfortunately the soul that is experiencing the existence has forgotten that he is the player and not the character, thus the wants and needs of the character are not really his own. And so, the noise of grief that is uttered to himself every now and again is not actually his, but a projection of what the character has been driven to do. 

I need to recoil myself to the inner silence of purpose and truly feel that the best is yet to come, even though there is nothing like the present - that in the field of dreams where there is nothing stopping me from feeling whole again.

Now...Let us be quiet and still for a few seconds that may last like forever, but this unique present can truly grant you a moment of peace without thought, so that at last that inner song of silence may be finally be heard with the ears of the soul - and meaning and purpose can be restored. 

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