Thursday, August 08, 2024


 Allegedly, today is an special day, as we are in the eight day of the eighty moment, on the year whose numbers add up to eight (2+0+2+4). 

I have a wishful thinking where it comes to my mystical side. Always thinking on the best possible outcome of course. If there are aliens, I trust that they will be good, at least I do prefer those kinds rather than those who bring there own cookbook "To serve man".

The energy of angels is among us, it will be to inspire us and not to destroy us. This is a process of growth even if the earth seems doomed to undergo some hard changes will it harbor our species. I wonder for how long. In absolute terms it does not matter at all, for the universe proceeds its course, even if this "enlightened species" will not prevail.

I have no wisdom to offer for the 888. The Chinese like that combination. Apparently the energetic blessing will offer some kind of inspirational energy to those who are willing to welcome it into their being. I am not sure of any of that. Maybe it will even counter the effects of the so called retrograde Mercury - an optical effect caused by the two planet's orbits which gives for a short period the impression that Mercury is going backwards hence serving as a omen of bad luck for many things.

My advice, for this day and all others, remains the same...

In times of doubt, despair, joy, love, neutral... for any times actually, take time to breathe consciously and hear your heartbeat. That is the ultimate proof that there is a clock ticking inside of you that offers you with ever stroke the possibility of being. Your choice is what is it that you want to be... regardless of the circumstances around you. You are an expression of the divine just for being alive. Stay conscious of your presence here and now, and you can let the flow of the apparent run its course, because it will keep on running long after your last stroke has sounded inside of you.

So today and everyday celebrate this... you are the unique expression of love for being. 

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