Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Utopian world - phase one

A few days ago, I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine. We were rumbling on about the state of the World, as it happens in so many occasions when our to minds are allowed to exchange ideas.
He had some ideas for what he called a better world, something in the lines of an utopian world. He hinted that I should have some ideas for such a world.

My ideas for any utopia, freeze with the mere sight of one.
I guess, I was always left with the notion is something impossible to realize, a kind of impossible dream that leaves us baffled as we awake, but we soon file it under the category impossible things to happen. Why is that? A poet once said that the dream commands life to being what the dream wants it be.
Utopia is a dream waiting to be, but no one dares to give life to it.

Before any world is created, I believe that certain points must be establish to set its grounds.
As such, my utopian world begins with some general rules that will help me define it.

Rule no 1. The will to do should be granted by any dream.
Any individual should have the chance to do what his or hers heart aspires to do. If someone desires to be a pilot and fly way for endless hours in the skies above, why shouldn’t that person have the chance to do so? Or if a person aspires to write for all his entire existence; or instead to become a professional reader, allowing him to indulge his life to learning, a person could be supplied with such resources that will give him the chance to do so.
Anything goes, as long as it doesn’t hurt others. If people have negative tendencies, they can be placed in a virtual reality kind of world, where they could indulge themselves to any sort of actions their minds allow, for there would be no real persons other than themselves for them to hurt, and all that they would do, would be to come back at them through a series of cause effect algorithms programmed at the core of the Artificial Intelligence which controls them.

In our own world exists a very utopian notion, called the bill of rights. Somewhere in this bill of rights it's stated that all individuals have the right for proper health care.
Rule no 2. In this world, everyone is entitled to have immediate health assistance as soon as it is required. As soon as a person would get sick, instantaneously a group of specialized people would care for the needs of that person. As there would be no limits for the peoples desire to become something as a result of one's dream. Whateve they want to become, will result in many well trained doctors walking around caring for all those who needed care.

Rule no 3. Money would no longer be the imperative ruler of values of mankind. Values as friendship, care, altruism, selfless commitment to all, would be the main goal of everyone’s life.
There would never be a person neglected on a street, if suffering was detected, immediately the person would find care among people who would help one to overcome the sorrows that emerged.

To be continued....

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