Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is anybody there?

Is this blog like a message in a bottle?
I stopped referring people here, because I realised that no one actually gives a damm about the contents.
And still I write in a public website, desperate for my 5 minutes of fame. The crisis is so grand that we are cutting on fame too, so no more 15 minutes, just 5 minutes.
I so desperately call for the world.
The world throws me some bodies my way, but in the end of the night I see my self writing into the abyss, and the void is the only echo that the abyss returns.
There are very little expectations of an audience.
We all crave for attention, for someone to give attention.
At times, all the world can be paying attention, but if that one true person is not, it makes no difference, because there might be someone there, but it is not who we want it to be.
It might be because it is too busy
because it is too far away
because it does not have time
because it does not know we exist
the immense possibilities would fill this and other blogs with pointless information, because in the end the question that remains is:
why isn't anybody there?
why is the abyss my eternal companion in my sorrow?
Such sorrow that has no way of being, but only incomplete words to express itself.

Forget about it.
It is my blog
I write what I please, even if it does not please me as so.
Even it it is not accurate
These days the hot air in my head so much that I have difficulties in seeing wrongs from rights
ups from downs.

The fact is I SCREAM for attention, but
the soul is not there
nor is the body.

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