Wednesday, August 01, 2012

To all those with wings, thank you for keeping an eye for me

I am a lucky creature.
It should come as no surprise this.
If someone was to ask me "why?", I would answer "I am in love!"
To be in love in the supreme feeling there is. To feel the deep meaningful connection with another being that is also willing to share an important part of life, it is, in my view, the most profound feeling I have been ever given the chance to feel.
Some may argue that love is a fickle emotion that attacks you without remorse, only to leave you heart-broken once it's gone. Honestly, I do not care.
The emotion of looking to her and seeing her eyes glazing back with a soft embrace made all the sense.
How does it happen?
I think those little souls that roam the universe must play some part in this history... They most likely pull some strings to make sure that both of us were exactly where we were supposed to be in order to ignite the spark that fire that burns without pain.

In my life have been granted many good things, but I truly feel that this is the most intense period of my life.
My feelings are travelling in a roller-coaster... in one minute I am there, the other I am rushing down, and feeling the flow of emotion inverse, as I am far from my love.

I guess this makes only sense to those who love and receive love back.
I am lucky, because I give and I receive.

I am thankful to be alive.

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