Tuesday, August 21, 2012

If I call you in the night, will my voice reach you in the morning

If I call you in the night, will my voice reach you in the morning?

More importantly, will you be there to listen it as I call your name?
And if you listen my lonely cry, in the dawn, will it move your heart to feel the passion that I have for you and hopefully produce some spark to make you feel the same for me?

If I put all my love in one single word, to reach you and you alone, would you understand that the word would be for you and only you?

Can all the love of a word spark back the passion you once had?
And could that word make you smile beyond any doubt showing to all those blessed to see you, that you are happy because somewhere in this tiny blue planet there is someone important enough to you, who cares?

Would the word of love, that would wake you from your nightmare, transform your day into a dreamy reality? 
And could you do your part to make this dream come true?

How many words must I say, to wake you from your routines into your dreams?
How much love must I show to convince you that in every second there is a chance to take the steps that will make everything right?

What will be the final word that will convince you that this does not have to be the final word?

And do you know, that it does not matter how much love I show, how much sorrow I feel, that if your heart does not want it, there is nothing I can do to make it work?

And if you don't feel the passion, if you don't feel the love, the most honest thing you can do, is be truthful and not keep me captive in a sea of deception and illusion, where I will keep myself trapped to your siren song.

Until I know what it is that your heart longs for, really longs for. 
I guess I will call your name every night in the hopes that one day, you can call my name, and do not hide in your frail emotions for me, that you are too unsure to express.

In this night I keep my cry for you.
And tomorrow too...
As faithful as the first day you sparked my life.

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