Friday, June 01, 2012

Let it be love

If one day you were to arrive at the conclusion that you never loved, you would probably feel like the most poor person on the planet, deprived of the finest treasure there is in the universe.
A treasure so huge that it has no physical equivalent, for it exists in the ethereal world called feeling.
You either feel it or you don't.
It cannot be bought!
It cannot be forged!
It cannot be made!
And when you feel it, you have no doubt of what it is.
You might be in doubt of what you are going to do.
Your legs shake
Your heart pounds as if you were racing for the Olympiads.
Your mind melts into a thousand thoughts all ending in the same place.

When it is shared, you close the circle.
This connection, oddly enough does not close you, but opens you to life
To see beauty where once was invisible manifestations of nature - at least to your own eyes.
The closing of the circle corresponds to the opening of the hearts, to new and wonderful things.

Life is the reality canvas that one uses everyday to express themselves.
Love is the seal of approval. It is not given once, it is earned with each day
It each moment of giving and receiving.
It is the real world that opens to the dream only to realise that both worlds are real, and that love paves the way to a new path, that was always there, but to which, love pointed the spot light.
Love thy self
Love thy neighbour and the world will certainly be a better person.
Find yourself a partner not just to give and take, but most of all to share, and realise that 1 + 1 will always be more than 2
if you dismultiply the plus sign you get a | and a - so this means that you get 1 1 1 1 (rotating 90 degrees) at least there is 4
but there can be 1111.
The possibilities of 4 to the 1111th power, will increase the odds even more.

So, to conclude this rather strange letter.

To love is to open up to the world, knowing that the universe is opening up to you.
All it takes is the feeling.
And you find it, by not thinking about it.
but by living and let yourself be struck by such empowering light!

With all of this, the only thing left to do, is give the message:

- Let it be love

I have mine, and the universe is just opening!
I wonder what dreams will come from there!

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