Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I do not believe that anyone notices what is going on.
I talk about it.
I do call for attention, but no one is really paying attention.
I am the boy who cried for wolf.
Wolf being the mare that consumed my heart, and left me strandef on an island of despair.
And still, I do believe.

How can this be?
How can one go from one point of the spectre to the other.
I was once a better man and now I am a nothing man.
Most probable reasons.
I was too far
I was too much of a crying baby
I was too obsessed

Or quite simply
She was not that in to you.
And the pain lingers
How it lingers.
Less it is true
But I do feel like the best joke of the summer.
A proper prank to a fool who still believes in love.
Sad thing is, I am not sure who the biggest fool in this game was.
I wanted the sky, and I was offered an illusion of heaven.
When the plane took off, all I had was my person hell.
The demons of egmont had followed me
They are still with me, less powerful, perchance tired.

I am a open heart.
Begging for some onces of attention.
And in the end... who do I see?
Ghosts from Christmas past.
I dread to think of what the Christmas future may bring as I have no notion of how to deal with my Christmas Present.

Nonetheless.... some progress as been made.
I can now live.
I hate the feeling of rejection and nothingness that is left behind.
Oh well... f*ck everyhing... I gave myself
and forgot to love me instead.

The world is definetly for the selfish bastards... they get the girls, because they are so into themselves.
The ones that give love, get shit...

Ah egmont, thank you for all the misery you left at my doorstep... one day, perchance I will have it all clean, until I can trust again... and be spitted in the heart like the past

These tears , how they like to simply rolll down.

Leave me alone spirit... take the better memories of me, and the worst too.
I wish peace
I hate the feeling
It takes my substance
All I want is oblivion...
Eternal ignorant bliss, that clears alll
What is the point of remembering pain that comes back everyday like a shoreline tempest

To be.... someone new

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