Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Life here

"There are [things] I will remember all my life"

The people I have met in my travels surely will inhabit my memories until the last one deserts me, just before I enter oblivion.
The lovers, the friends, the knowns and unknowns.

I wonder, I do not grasp the value they have in my life.
Why do I linger in one or another the importance of myself?
It is sad actually to live according to the expectations have of us.
This makes us forget, ironically, of that which matters the most
- our self resolvement
The hability to do what we really want, instead of what will please others, even if it hurts us in the end.
But I keep being the lacky that wants everyone around to be pleased, even if I have to be the jester to get a laugh out of everyone.

Life here is sad
Life here is glad.

I feel nothing, except contempt for the one who writes

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