Friday, September 06, 2013

To deserve

Definition of DESERVE

transitive verb
: to be worthy of : merit <deserves another chance>

intransitive verb
: to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital <have become recognized as they deserve — T. S. Eliot>
— de·serv·er noun
See deserve defined for English-language learners »
See deserve defined for kids »

Examples of DESERVE

    <the team really deserved that victory after the way they played>

Origin of DESERVE
Middle English, from Anglo-French deservir, from Latin deservire to devote oneself to, from de- + servire to serve
First Known Use: 13th century

So, I guess that when someone tells me that I deserve to find something, it must mean that I have done something good.
Why do the same people who claim that I deserve something good, then find a way of staying away, and keeping distance.
Most likely I have done something bad, and therefore I do not deserve their company or their attention.

People say all nasty things to feel good about themselves.
I imagined that people at the human resources of a company that is laying off people, must be the most cynical and hypocrite to avoid getting bashed by those unfortunate to lose their job:
"you are a really good asset, but the timing for the company is not just right, we hope that you find a wonderful job, with the extraordinary set of skills you acquired"

Another group of people are the ones that smile in front of you, and pretend to be very interested in helping you out, and then at the first piece of evidence they start to fabricate innuendos to create a fog of credibility around you.

I guess in the end we deserve the people we relate to the most. if they are bad is because we are attracted by the style and if they are good is because of the same reason.

So I guess I deserve people who think I deserve someone rather than themselves... because lets face it, I am such a nice person within that what I really deserve is someone better.

I am sorry I cannot be with you, you are too good to me, or wait, I am not good enough for you.
Perhaps the timming is not right. I would love to stay with you, but I have to put my hands on the 4:37 train that is arriving from Paris.
Tell you what, why don't you stay here, tell me all about yourself, while I leave the room, never to return.
I guess that in the end, I deserved just to be here alone, contemplating how good I really am.

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